Illusion Theater’s Fresh Ink Series allows writers to explore new areas by giving them a platform and the resources they need to develop new work in a workshop setting and then share that with an audience. The Fresh Ink Series began in 1987 and has continued each year since.
Illusion Theater, known for creating new works, has been producing socially impactful plays for nearly 50 years. Producing Directors Michael Robins and Bonnie Morris have led Illusion Theater since 1974 and have guided nearly 500 plays to production.
June 8-11 The Long Fall Down by Bob Beverage
June 15-18 Judy, Joan & Joni by Michael Robins and Roberta Carlson
June 25 Special Event - The Free Black Table
This event has been postponed to a future date
Illusion is pleased to announce Name Your Price as the norm. Name Your Price offers a sliding scale to our community starting at $10. We encourage those who can afford $35 tickets to pay full price. Your generosity will help support Illusion in providing our community with Name Your Price tickets.
All tickets will be e-tickets. You will present your ticket to Box Office via your phone or a print at home ticket. In your order confirmation, if there's a link that says, "View E-tickets." Click that link and you'll be able to view your tickets, print them, or present them to the box office.
Seating is General Admission.
The Long Fall Down Written and Directed by Bob Beverage
>>Thursday June 8 at 7:30pm
>>Friday June 9 at 7:30pm
>>Saturday June 10 at 7:30 pm
>>Sunday June 11 at 2:00pm
Judy, Joan & Joni Created by Roberta Carlson and Michael Robins
>>Thursday June 15 at 7:30pm
>>Friday June 16 at 7:30pm
>>Saturday June 17 at 7:30pm
>>Sunday June 18 2:00pm
Masks will be optional for all performances.
Prior to the performance if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or been exposed, please contact the box office at 612-339-4944.
Illusion Theater reserves the right to modify the COVID policy based on local, state, and federal public health guidelines and virus conditions.
Click here to view the calendar and buy tickets.
Sinclair “Red” Lewis
The Long Fall Down, the story of a man, Sinclair “Red” Lewis, who destroyed himself and severely damaged his legacy as an artist because he confused success with happiness. We meet Lewis at the pinnacle of his literary achievements, having just won the Nobel Prize. From there, it’s 21 long years of a few highs and many lows. Over the course of the play, we see Sinclair Lewis’ continuing struggle to regain the success he had early in his literary career, even as he strives to find a fulfilling personal life. These struggles are exemplified in the play by his ongoing efforts to write “The Big Labor Novel.” Lewis never succeeded in creating this important work nor in maintaining a loving relationship, and ultimately succumbed to drowning his sadness in alcohol. By all accounts, Red had an amazing and authentic knack for making friends but an inability to keep them. Why was this undoubtably brilliant artist incapable – or unwilling – to maintain the loves and friendships that might have made him happy? Why was he ultimately unsuccessful in writing his vaunted labor novel when he was successful in writing so many other books? Exploring some of the issues and demons that haunted Sinclair Lewis in the first half of the 20th century will help audiences better understand some of the issues and demons that haunt many of us today.
Approximately 75 minutes. No intermission.
Judy Collins, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell
Judy, Joan & Joni created by Roberta Carlson and Michael Robins featuring Molly Sue McDonald, Julia Isabel Diaz, and Falicia Nichole. Directed by Michael Robins with arrangements and music direction by Roberta Carlson.
We all have soundtracks for moments in our lives and we all have artists whose songs were part of those moments. The music of Judy Collins, Joan Baez, and Joni Mitchell provided those moments for many of us. If you remember songs like, My Father, I Think It’s Going to Rain, Chelsea Morning, Diamond and Dust, River, With God on Our Side, and Big Yellow Taxi you’ll love this evening.
The Free Black Table presented by Black Table Arts on Friday, June 23 7:30-9:30pm. Information about the event will be available at Black Table Arts is a community driven arts cooperative located in Minneapolis Minnesota gathering black communities through the arts towards better black futures.
Bert Williams
Nobody No Time written by Carlyle Brown with musical direction by Victor Zupanc. Directed by Keith Glover and featuring Peter Jay Fernandez as Bert and James Williams as Chappy and including Denise Burse, Lynnea Doublette, and Stephen Yoakam.
It's February 25, 1922 - the last night in the life of celebrated Negro entertainer Bert Williams. In a break between performances of a matinee and the evening show, Bert regales his longtime assistant with songs and stories of a career built on the exploitation of Negro stereotypes. Nobody, No Time is a play with music that looks inside one of the most complex and conflicted figures of the Vaudeville era.