Miss Richfield 1981 - Phony Baloney for the Holidays
This year Miss R will explain, as only she can, Artificial Intelligence in Phony Baloney, Keeping it Real in an Artificial World. According to Miss Richfield 1981, “Don’t let my show’s title fool you, I am staying as genuine as my Sanka! But many things around us are not real! So, in my new show, I explore all things artificial, like flowers, toupees, and mayonnaise.” Once again, the red carpet is out for Miss Richfield 1981‘s Holiday Show -- her 26th year with ILLUSION! Russ King, the man behind Miss Richfield 1981, came up with this brazen and beloved character while he worked at the Minnesota Aids Project (MAP) in the 90’s. Michael Robins was on the MAP Board and offered Russ a spot in ILLUSION’s Fresh Ink Series to try this character out. Miss R has gone on from our stage to become a national treasure. Phony Baloney is written by Russ King and performed by Miss Richfield 1981 herself!